How do I get Facebook to delete my data? [Solved] 2023

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How do I get Facebook to delete my data?

Best Answer:
  1. Accounts can be deleted at any time by going to the settings page and selecting the delete option.
  2. Accessing the account settings will allow you to delete your account and all of its data.
  3. Deleting an account will remove it from the Google Account Center and all of its associated information will be removed from here as well,
  4. making it inaccessible to anyone with or without authorization.

How To Delete Facebook Account For Permanently 2019 | Delete Personal Data From Facebook Server |EFA


Can I request Facebook delete my data?

Facebook is a data-driven company and has a lot of information on you. The best way to protect your data is to use the settings that Facebook provides. You can manage who sees your posts, what kind of ads you see, and what kind of information Facebook can collect from third parties.

How do I delete all data on Facebook?

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There is no way to delete all data from Facebook. If you want to delete your account entirely, you’ll have to do that from the website.

Does Facebook actually delete your information?

Yes. Facebook deletes your information when you delete your account.

Does Facebook delete my data when I delete my account?

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Facebook does not delete your data when you delete your account. They do, however, delete the login information so that you cannot access the account anymore.

Does deleting a Facebook account delete everything?

The short answer is no. Deleting your Facebook account does not delete everything you have ever posted on Facebook. It only deletes the data from your account, and it’s up to you if you want to keep a backup of that data.

Can I reactivate a deleted Facebook account?

No, you cannot reactivate a deleted Facebook account. While you can create a new Facebook account and delete it, your old account is gone forever.

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What happens after you delete Facebook?

You can’t delete Facebook. You can only deactivate your account. If you have a Facebook page, you can delete it.

Why does it take 30 days to delete a Facebook account?

Facebook does not delete a user’s account until that user has been inactive for at least 30 days. This is in order to prevent people from deleting their account and then reactivating it under a different name in order to avoid being blocked from the site.

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