How do I delete a YouTube account without Gmail? [Solved] 2023

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How do I delete a YouTube account without Gmail?

Best Answer:
  1. You can’t delete a YouTube account without Gmail.
  2. You will need to create a Gmail account to delete your YouTube account.

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How do I delete YouTube but not Gmail?

You can delete YouTube from your Google account by going to the YouTube page and deleting your account. You can also go to and select the YouTube option.

How do I delete an old YouTube account without password or email?

To delete a YouTube account without a password or email, you would have to contact the YouTube Help Center. You can do this by going to and submitting a request.

How do I delete a YouTube account I can’t access?

There are a few steps you can take to delete your old YouTube account.
1) Sign in to your new YouTube account and go to
2) Click on the “Delete your YouTube channel” button.
3) You will be asked to enter your password for the old account and then you will be given the option to delete that account.

Can you delete a YouTube account without signing in?

Yes, you can delete a YouTube account without signing in. You will need to contact the YouTube support team and request that they delete your account.

How do I delete my YouTube 2021 account?

To delete your YouTube account, go to the YouTube account settings page and click on “Delete Account.” You will need to enter your password and then follow the prompts.

How do I disconnect YouTube from my Google account?

To disconnect YouTube from your Google account, you can click on the three dots in the top right corner of YouTube and select ‘My Account then click on the ‘Connected Services. You will find a list of all of the services that are connected to your account. If you want to disconnect YouTube, just uncheck it.

How do I delete someone else’s YouTube channel?

You can’t delete someone else’s YouTube channel. If you want to delete your own account, you can do so by going to the account deletion page.

How do I find out what email is associated with my YouTube account?

To find out what email is associated with your YouTube account, go to the YouTube channel page and click on “Edit Profile.” From there, you can add or edit your email address.

How can I delete my Gmail account permanently without password?

Gmail can be deleted without a password by going to and clicking the “Delete products” button at the bottom of the page.

How do I uninstall YouTube?

You can uninstall YouTube by going to Settings, selecting Apps, and then selecting YouTube. From there, you can tap Uninstall and confirm your decision.

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