How do I delete a smule upload? [Solved] 2023

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How do I delete a smule upload?

Best Answer:
  1. If you want to remove a song from Smule.
  2. go to the app and tap on the three lines at the top left.
  3. Then, go to My Songs and select the song you want to delete.
  4. You’ll see the option to delete the song.

Tutorial deleted your layer on group Collabs SMULE -English Version


How do I delete a post on Smule?

To delete a post on Smule, you’ll need to delete the song or video that you posted. You can do this by tapping on the thumbnail of the post in the My Songs tab. The delete button will appear at the bottom of your screen.

What happens when you delete smule?

The app is removed from your device, but the data remains on the servers.

How do you unlove on Smule?

The only way to unlove someone on Smule is to delete the app and then re-download it.

How do you hide recordings on Smule?

Smule recordings are saved to the device’s internal storage, and can be found in the “Recordings” folder. To hide a recording on your phone:
Open the “Recordings” folder and find the recording you want to delete.
Tap and hold on the recording until it starts shaking, then tap “Delete.

Is Smule safe?

I think Smule is safe. They have a lot of safeguards in place to prevent cyberbullying and other bad behavior.

How do I contact Smule?

Smule is a company that creates and distributes music apps. They have a customer service email address, which can be found on their website at

How do I reactivate my Smule account?

You need to contact Smule customer service and ask them to reactivate your account. You can reach them by emailing: [email protected]

Can you see who viewed your smule?

You can see who viewed your profile on the website and on the app.

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