How do I delete a second account on Animal Crossing New Horizons? [Solved] 2023

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How do I delete a second account on Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Best Answer:
  1. There are two ways to delete your second account.
  2. The first way is to go to the Nintendo eShop and find the game, Animal Crossing New Horizons.
  3. Once you find it, you will be able to delete the account by pressing X on the game icon.
  4. The second way is to go into the game and press “Options” on the bottom of the screen.
  5. From there, choose “Delete Account.

How to delete Resident save data in Animal Crossing New Horizons


How do you delete a second player on Animal Crossing?

To delete a second player on Animal Crossing, you need to use the “Delete” command in the game. To do this, head over to Nook’s Homes and speak with Tom Nook. He’ll ask if you want to delete the second player. Say yes and he’ll let you know that it will cost 500 Bells for the service.

How do you delete an account on Animal Crossing?

To delete your Animal Crossing account, you will need to go to the Nintendo Account page on the Nintendo website. You can access this page by logging in with your Nintendo Network ID and password. Once you are on the Nintendo Account page, scroll down until you find “Animal Crossing: New Leaf” and click on it. On the next screen, click on “Delete My Animal Crossing”.

How do you start over on Animal Crossing?

There are two ways to start over on Animal Crossing. The first way is to erase your save data and start a new game. The second way is to visit the Wisp in the Dream Suite.

How do I delete an island representative in Animal Crossing?

To delete an islander in Animal Crossing, you must first find them. You can do this by talking to the mayor and asking him who the islanders are. Once you have found your islander, talk to them and ask them if they would like to move away. If they say yes, then you will be able to delete them from the island.

How do I unlink a Nintendo account from Animal Crossing?

To do this, you’ll need to go to the Nintendo Account website and log in. From there, go to “My Nintendo” and then click on “Nintendo Account.” Once here, scroll down until you see the Animal Crossing icon. Click on that icon and then choose “Unlink account.” You will then be prompted with a confirmation screen that says “Unlinking your Nintendo Account from Animal Crossing will also delete all of your game data. Are you sure?

What can the 2nd player do in Animal Crossing?

The second player in Animal Crossing can help the first player by catching bugs, fishing, and doing other tasks. The game is designed so that the second player can’t do anything that would interfere with the gameplay of the first player.

How do I make a second character in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

You can make a second character in Animal Crossing: New Horizons by going to the “create a new character” screen and pressing “A”.

Can you have multiple islands on Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a new Animal Crossing game coming to the Nintendo Switch in 2019. This game will be an open-world game, and players will be able to explore the island as they please.

Should I restart my Animal Crossing island 2021?

It’s a good idea to restart your Animal Crossing island every now and then, but it’s not necessary. Animal Crossing is a game about exploration and discovery, so you’ll likely find new things each time you play.

How do I reset my island?

For the Island to be reset, the user must first click on the “Reset” button in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Once clicked, a confirmation will appear and ask if you are sure you want to reset your island. Upon clicking yes, all of your progress will be lost and removed.

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