Does deleting a ps4 user deactivate the account? [Solved] 2023

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Does deleting a ps4 user deactivate the account?

Best Answer:
  1. No.
  2. You can delete a PS4 user, but the account will still be active.
  3. No, deleting a PS4 user does not deactivate the account.
  4. The only way to delete an account is to contact Sony.
  5. No, deleting a PS4 account does not deactivate the account.

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What happens if you delete all users on PS4?

If you delete all users on PS4, the console will reboot and you will be prompted to create a new user.

How do I deactivate my account from another PS4?

If you have a PS4 system that is not linked with your account, you can deactivate the account from that system.
From the main menu, select [Settings]
Select [PlayStation Network/Account Management]

What happens if you delete the family manager on PS4?

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If you delete the family manager on PS4, then all of the games that were purchased under the family manager will be deleted.

Can I remove my PSN account from another PS4?

No, you can not remove your PSN account from another PS4. You will need to contact Sony to remove the account.

Can you remove accounts after game sharing PS4?

You can’t remove accounts on the PS4, but you can on the PS3.

How do I deactivate a PS4 as primary without access?

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If you are not the primary PS4, you can’t deactivate it. If you are the primary PS4, you need to have access to the other PS4 in order to deactivate it. You also need to be signed into your account on that PS4.

What happens if you delete a family manager account?

If you delete the family manager account, then the other accounts in the family will be able to manage their own settings.

How do I change my child’s account to a parent account on PS4?

The best way to do this is to go into the PlayStation Store and select “Sign in” at the top of the screen. Once you’re signed in, go to Settings > Parental Controls > Add or Remove User. From there, you’ll be able to change your child’s account to a parent account by selecting “Change user.

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How do I remove my family from PS4?

To remove your family from PS4, you need to delete the account. To do this, go to Settings > PlayStation Network/Account Management >
Delete Account.

Can you remove account after game sharing?

Unfortunately, you cannot remove your account after game sharing. You can only share your account to a different platform.

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