Do you say I live in or I live at? [Solved] 2023

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Do you say I live in or I live at?

Best Answer:
  1. The verb “to live” can take two different prepositions depending on the meaning that is desired.
  2. If the focus is on the location of the home, then “in” should be used.
  3. For example, “I live in Australia.”
  4. If the focus is on the act of residing somewhere, then “at” should be used.
  5. For example, “I live at my parents’ house.

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Which is correct live in or live at?

The phrase “live in” is used to describe a person’s residence, while “live at” is used to describe a person’s place of work or study. For example, you might say “I live in London” or “He lives at the university.

Do you live in a place or at a place?

I live at a place.

Do we say I stay in or at?

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There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the context in which it is used. Generally, “in” is used when referring to a location and “at” is used when referring to a specific point or time. For example, you might say “I’m staying in tonight” to mean that you are going to stay at home, or you might say “I’m at the airport” to mean that you are currently at the airport.

Where do we use at in on?

There is no hard and fast rule about when to use at and when to use on. In general, at is used with specific places or things, while on is used with more general terms. For example, you might say “I’m at the store” or “I’m at the bank”, but you would say “I’m on my way home” or “I’m on vacation”.

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Can we use at for place?

Yes, we can use at for place. For example, “I’m going to the store at 5:00.

Which one is correct at home or in home?

There is no one right answer to this question. It depends on what you mean by “correct.” If you are asking about the grammar of the two phrases, then “in home” is technically correct because “home” is a place and “at home” would be used to describe being in someone’s home. However, many people use “at home” instead of “in home” because it sounds more natural to them.

Are you in office or at office?

I’m at the office.

Can I stay at your place?

Sure, you’re welcome to stay at my place. I have plenty of room and it’ll be nice to have some company.

Is stay at home correct?

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Yes, “stay at home” is correct. It means to remain in one’s home, typically for safety reasons.

What is the difference between on in and at?

On is used when something is happening in a specific place. For example, “I’m on vacation” means “I’m currently in a place where I’m taking a break from work.”
At is used when something is happening at a specific time. For example, “I’ll be at the party at 7pm” means “I’ll be there at 7pm.

Are you at school or in school?

I’m currently in school. I’m a junior in college.

Can we say at home?

Yes, you can say “at home.” This is a very common phrase that means “in your own house.” You can use it to talk about yourself or someone else. For example, “I’m at home right now” or “She’s at home with her kids.

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