Can you reset your war Thunder account? [Solved] 2023

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Can you reset your war Thunder account?

Best Answer:
  1. War Thunder is an online multiplayer game that can be played on PC, Mac, or Linux.
  2. Your account is tied to your War Thunder username and the login information that you use to access your account.
  3. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking on Forgot Password in the email verification link sent to your email address.

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How do I start over in War Thunder?

War Thunder is a game that allows you to start over again with the same account, so you do not need to create a new account.
To start over in War Thunder, you can either delete your current game and download it again, or delete the game data from your system.

Can you combine War Thunder accounts?

No, you cannot combine accounts.

How do I log out of War Thunder?

To log out of War Thunder, you can simply go to the top right-hand corner of the screen and click on the “Logout” button.

Is War Thunder really free?

War Thunder is free to download and play for the first 30 minutes, but after that you have to buy a premium account.

Can you link a Gaijin account to steam?

No, you cannot.

How do I link my two Gaijin accounts?

You can link your two Gaijin accounts by going to the “Account Settings” in the left-hand menu and clicking on “Link Account”. You will then be prompted to log into your other account and it will automatically sync.

How do I change my Gaijin email?

You can change your email address on your Gaijin account by clicking on the “My Account” link at the top of the website. After logging in, click on “Change my email.” You will be prompted to enter a new email address and then click “Save changes.

How do I turn off auto login in War Thunder?

To turn off auto login, go to the game’s “Options” menu and click on “Login Settings.” You can then uncheck the box for “Auto Login.

Can I use my PC War Thunder account on PS4?

Yes, you can use your PC War Thunder account on PS4. You will need to create a PSN account with the same email address as your PC account. Then, you will need to link your PSN account with your PC War Thunder account.

How do you play War Thunder?

War Thunder is a massively multiplayer online game set in the World War II era. Players take control of planes, tanks, and ships from various nations and engage in combat on a variety of maps. The game is free-to-play with the option to purchase premium content.
War Thunder is a massively multiplayer online game set in the World War II era. Players take control of planes, tanks, and ships from various nations and engage in combat on a variety of maps.

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