Can you reactivate an old Hotmail account? [Solved] 2023

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Can you reactivate an old Hotmail account?

Best Answer:
  1. Yes
  2. You can reactivate an old Hotmail account.
  3. Simply go to the login page and click on “forgot password?”
  4. You will be prompted for your username and e-mail address.
  5. Once you enter them, you will receive a message with your temporary password.
  6. Follow the instructions in the message to change your password.

Dear Microsoft.. (I lost my first hotmail)


How can I recover my Hotmail from years ago?

You can recover your Hotmail account by logging in to your Microsoft account. If you cannot log in, you will need to contact Microsoft’s customer service for assistance.

Do old Hotmail accounts get deleted?

No, Hotmail accounts never get deleted.

How far back does Hotmail keep emails?

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Hotmail will keep your emails for 30 days.

Where did my Hotmail emails go?

If you’re looking for your Hotmail emails, they’re still there. However, Microsoft has renamed the service to You can access your old mail from this link:

How can I reactivate my Hotmail account?

You can reactivate your Hotmail account by following the instructions on the Microsoft website.

Are Hotmail accounts still active?

Yes, Hotmail accounts are still active. It is a free email service that is powered by Microsoft and can be accessed through a web browser.

Will Outlook automatically delete old emails?

Outlook will not automatically delete old emails. You can, however, set it to delete old emails after a certain period of time.

Can you recover emails from years ago?

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Yes, you can recover emails from years ago. However, there are a few caveats to be aware of.
Firstly, if you’re looking for an email that was sent within the last two years or so, as long as it’s not been deleted then it should still be on your account and available to be recovered.
Secondly, if you’re looking for an email that was sent more than two years ago and it has been deleted, then unfortunately there’s no way to recover it.

Why did Hotmail delete all my emails?

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Hotmail is a free email service, which means that they are not obligated to keep your emails on file. However, some people may have paid for an email account with Hotmail and can request their emails to be backed up.

Do inactive email accounts get deleted?

Inactive email accounts are not deleted. However, they do not receive any new emails unless the account holder sets up a forwarding address or updates their contact information.
Inactive email accounts are not deleted from the server, but they do not receive any new emails unless the account holder sets up a forwarding address or updates their contact information.

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