Can you delete twitter account? [Solved] 2023

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Can you delete twitter account?

Best Answer:
  1. The short answer is yes.
  2. You can delete your Twitter account by going to the “Settings and privacy” tab.
  3. clicking on “Deactivate my account,” and then following the instructions.

How to Delete Your Twitter Account Permanently


What is Twitter account?

Twitter is a social media platform which allows its users to post short messages, called “tweets,” of up to 280 characters. These tweets can be shared with other Twitter users or otherwise viewed by the public on the internet.

How can I open Twitter account?

Go to and fill in the form. You will need to enter your email address, password, and create a username.
After you click on the sign up button, you will be sent an email with a verification link. Click on the link and Twitter will open your account.

Do I have a Twitter account?

No, you do not have a Twitter account.

Why can’t I create a Twitter account?

You are not allowed to create a Twitter account if you are under the age of 13.
Twitter is not available for anyone under the age of 13.

Is a Twitter account free?

Twitter is free to use, but the account holder may have to pay for certain services. For example, if you want to increase your number of followers, then you will need to purchase a follower package.

Should I use my real name on Twitter?

It is a good idea to use your real name on Twitter. Your real name will make it easier for people to find you and know who you are. It will also make it easier for your friends, family, and business contacts to find you on the site.

What’s the best way to use Twitter?

Twitter is a social media platform that allows you to post short updates about what you’re doing, what you think, or what you feel. You can use Twitter to share your thoughts with people who are interested in the same topics as you.
You can follow other users and see their tweets in your timeline. You can also tweet at other users by mentioning them in your posts.

How do I shutdown my Twitter account?

To delete your Twitter account, visit and follow the instructions. You will need to type in your password and provide a reason for deleting your account.
Twitter is a social media site that allows users to post 140-character messages and share them with other Twitter users. The site also allows its members to post photos, videos, and links to other content on the internet.
To delete your Twitter account, visit https://twitter.

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