Can you delete pictures from Shutterfly?
- Photos and videos on your Shutterfly account.
- Are free.
- Unlimited but if you wish to remove photos or videos you will no longer have access
Tap on one or more photos to select them; then tap the “More options” button (3 vertical lines) at the bottom of the screen and choose Delete. Be warned that all selected photos will be deleted.
Shutterfly offers free unlimited storage and sharing of photos: Upload as many pictures, with no limits on size.
A picture is a good way to show people what your house looks like. It can be used for the internet or magazines.
We may analyze your photo content and metadata to help you tag and organize them, as well as make personalized product suggestions based on those photos.
Tap the photos that you wish to delete. Selected pictures will have an orange checkmark. Tap on “More options” button (3 lines) along bottom menu bar and then choose “Delete”.