Can you delete episodes on YouTube TV? [Solved] 2023

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Can you delete episodes on YouTube TV?

Best Answer:
  1. Yes, you can delete episodes on YouTube TV.
  2. To delete an episode, open the episode.
  3. Select “Delete” from the menu.

YouTube TV – “UNLIMITED DVR” – How to record shows & remove recorded shows!


Can you delete recordings on YouTube TV?

To remove a recording from YouTube TV, go to the Library page at the top of your screen. Then choose a program and click the checkmark button next to the title. This button may also be a circle icon with a square inside.

How do you delete watched episodes on YouTube?

Choose your profile photo. Settings. Select the Privacy option. Select Manage watch history from the drop-down menu. You’ll be sent to a Google privacy screen. This will open in its own tab in a web browser. … Delete a thing by selecting More options… … You may also search for things you wish to remove or filter the results by date range.

Can you set YouTube TV to only record new episodes?

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YT TV records for free, and it does not take up any storage space. You can record series on YT TV, but you can’t just record new episodes. The only choice is to tape everything from a certain program in its entirety.

How long do recordings stay on YouTube TV?

As long as you keep your membership active, TV recordings will be kept for 9 months. Other programs may differ depending on our content partners’ terms.

Can you download YouTube videos with YouTube TV?

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Yes, you can download YouTube videos with YouTube TV. Just open the video you want to download and press the “Download” button that appears below the player.

How do I rip YouTube videos to my TV?

There are a few different ways to do this. One way is to use an HDMI cable to connect your TV and computer. Another way is to use Google Chromecast.

What does VOD mean on YouTube TV?

Video on demand (VOD) is a service that allows users to watch videos on-demand, as opposed to living. On YouTube TV, this means that you can watch previously aired shows and movies whenever you want.

Can you watch YouTube TV without internet?

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Yes, you can watch YouTube TV without the internet. However, you will need to have a device that has been registered with YouTube TV in order to watch.

How much is YouTube TV a month?

YouTube TV is $40 a month.

What’s the difference between VOD and DVR on YouTube TV?

DVR is a feature that lets you record shows to watch later, while VOD stands for video on demand and refers to watching videos that have already been uploaded to YouTube. With DVR, you can record shows to watch later, while with VOD you can watch any video that’s been uploaded to YouTube.

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