Can I have two Twitter accounts with the same email? [Solved] 2023

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Can I have two Twitter accounts with the same email?

Best Answer:
  1. The answer to this is yes, you can have two Twitter accounts with the same email.
  2. This can be done by signing up for a new one.
  3. For example, let’s say I want to create a second account with my email, so I go ahead and sign up for a new one.
  4. To do this, I would need to find an email that is not being used by another account, so I Google “find an unused Gmail address” and follow the instructions provided.

How to Create Multiple Twitter Accounts w ONE Email Address!


How many Twitter accounts can you have per email address?

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You can have as many as you want, but they can’t all be active at the same time.

Is it illegal to have two Twitter accounts?

No, it is not illegal to have two Twitter accounts. However, one account must be designated as the “primary” account and all tweets from the other account must link to that primary account.

How do I create a 2nd Twitter account?

To create a second Twitter account, the user will need to log in to their Twitter account and go to the “Settings” tab. From there, they can click on “Create another account” and add in the necessary information.

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Can you have 2 Twitter accounts with the same phone number?

No, you can’t have two Twitter accounts with the same phone number.

Can I create multiple Twitter accounts with one email?

You can create multiple Twitter accounts with one email, but only one account can be used at a time. To switch between your accounts, you can log out of the current account and log into the desired account.

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Why is Twitter so toxic?

There are a lot of reasons why Twitter is so toxic, but I think the most important reason is that Twitter’s 140-character limit encourages people to use quick and often aggressive language. It also makes it easy for people to be anonymous and say things they wouldn’t say if they were using their real name. Finally, because there are a lot of celebrities on Twitter, there are a lot of fans who will attack anyone who says anything bad about their favorite celebrity.

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