Can I delete my daughter's Facebook account? [Solved] 2023

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Can I delete my daughter’s Facebook account?

Best Answer:
  1. You can’t delete your daughter’s Facebook account.
  2. You would need to contact Facebook and request that they delete the account.
  3. This is a difficult question to answer.
  4. It depends on what you want to delete and why you want to delete it.
  5. If your daughter created the account herself, she can delete it herself.
  6. If you created the account for her, then you will need to contact Facebook’s support team and request that they remove the account.

How do I delete my Facebook account?


How can a parent delete a child’s Facebook account?

If you want to delete your child’s Facebook account, you can do so by following the steps on their settings page. From there, you will be able to deactivate or delete your child’s account.

How do I delete another person’s Facebook account?

The only way to delete a Facebook account is by going through the process of deleting your account. Once you do this, you will no longer be able to access your Facebook profile or use the service.
To delete an account, go to the Account tab on Facebook, then select Delete Your Account and Information. You’ll then need to enter your password and click on Delete My Account.

How do I delete my child account?

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Go to the account settings page and click on “Delete your account.

What happens when you remove an account from Facebook?

The account will be deleted from Facebook, but the data associated with that account will still exist in the form of posts, pictures, videos, etc.
If you are concerned about your data being seen by someone else, you should delete all of your content before deleting your account.

How do I delete my Facebook account under 18?

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If you’re under 18, you can’t delete your Facebook account.
If you’re over the age of 18, you’ll need to go to Facebook’s help site and follow their instructions for deleting your account.

How do I permanently delete my Facebook account without logging in?

You can’t. Facebook has a policy that if you delete your account, they keep your data for up to 90 days in case you change your mind. You’ll have to log in and then delete it from the settings page.

Can you delete a Facebook account without logging in?

Yes. You can delete your Facebook account by going to Settings > General Account Settings > Delete Your Account and Information.
You can log in to your Facebook account, go to the General tab of your account settings, and then click on Delete Your Account and Information.

How do I remove a child from family sharing under 13?

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To remove a child from family sharing under 13, you will need to do the following:
Log into your Apple account and select “Family Sharing”
Select the person you would like to remove and then click on “Remove from Family”

What happens when your child turns 13 on Family Link?

Family Link is a parental control app for Android devices created by Google. It’s designed to help parents monitor their child’s activity on their phone. When your child turns 13, they will be able to use Family Link without needing permission from their parent.

What happens to your name when you delete Facebook?

Your name will stay on Facebook, but it will be hidden from the public.

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