Can I delete a PlayStation account? [Solved] 2023

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Can I delete a PlayStation account?

Best Answer:
  1. Unfortunately.
  2. You can’t permanently delete your PSN account.
  3. All you have to do is pick the Primary account you don’t want to delete
  4. If you try to delete the Primary account.
  5. The PSN account will be disabled.
  6. Allowing you to use the same PSN account on another console.

How To Delete PS4 Accounts


How do I permanently delete my PS4 account?

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How do I permanently delete my PlayStation Network account? Go to the PlayStation support website. Type close account in the search bar where it asks you to enter your problem or question. Select the link for How to cancel your PSN membership.

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Is it possible to use the same e-mail address to establish another account if I cancel my current one? Yes, after the deletion is complete and confirmed by PlayStation support. However, your username may not be reused.

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